Hello I'm



I'm an ardent software developer always trying
to build something practical with my skills.
Love Guitar & Jamming❤️

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About Me

Budding Software Developer!

I am a 3rd year B.Tech student at IIT Roorkee. My interests include Web Development, Web Design, and Data Structures and Algorithms. Currently, I am working on strengthening my development and logic-building skills. Apart from this, I have keen interest in open source development and music. I am looking for opportunities in the web development domain.
P.S. You can also call me Asquare ;)

More About

What I am good at

My Interests

UI/UX Design

I've explored design and did some projects. I am presently the Head of Design vertical at Tinkering Lab IIT Roorkee.

Web Development

I've learnt web development in MERN stack technology. Currently looking for internship opportunities in it.


I am learning Data Structures and Algorithms along with competitive programming. My Codeforces: #cadence123

My Portfolio

Latest Projects

NewsQuare WebApp

A dynamic and modern web app developed using ReactJS.

Blog Website

Used NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap, EJS templating, and Lodash to create this website.

Newsletter Website

Used NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap, and the MailChimp API in this website.


Superficial dating website for dogs. Used HTML, CSS and Bootstrap in this project.


Researched about UX and designed whole UI from scratch.

TL Mobile Version

Researched about UX and designed the whole UI from scratch.


We strategized, designed and developed the whole project ourselves.(Verified by IITR)


It is a no-code business development project. It got shortlisted in Inter-IIT Tech.

Placement Brochure

Designed the Official Placement brochure of our Department at IIT Roorkee.

Contact Me!

Discuss a Project, or want to say Hi?

If you have any project or want to say Hi, Reach out to me! My Inbox is Open For All.

Made with ❤️ by Ayush Agarwal